Our parish depends entirely on the generosity of our faith community, so any way that you can help to support us will be greatly appreciated.

The three easiest ways to donate to our parish are outlined below.

If you have any queries, please contact our Parish Administrator, Ngozi Ekpechue.

Email enquiry

Standing orders

A weekly or monthly Standing Order is the best way for us to receive your contributions. It makes planning our necessary expenditure much simpler and is very efficient for us (and you!).

Sort Code: 40-13-22
Account number: 61018884
Account name: Catholic Church of St. Joseph the Worker, Hutton

Or, simply complete the form and the system will send you a pdf of what you have entered. Please print the pdf, sign it, and send it in to Ngozi, our Parish Administrator. We will take care the rest.

Standing order form

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is one of the most effective ways of giving regularly to charity. It is a government scheme which allows us to claim 25p for every £1 that you donate. So, for example, if you donate £20, we can claim an extra £5, making your gift worth £25.

You simply need to have paid or will pay an amount of tax that is at least equal to the tax that St Joseph’s and your other charities will reclaim on your donations in a tax year.

To complete a Gift Aid form and increase your financial contribution to our parish by 25% at no cost whatsoever to yourself, please complete the online form.

View Gift Aid form

200 Club

Joining the 200 Club is a simple and straightforward way to support the parish. For a contribution of just £2.00 per month you will participate in a monthly draw to win a cash prize of £50.00, £30.00 or £20.00 So not only is it easy, you might win some cash back too!

To join the 200 Club please complete a standing order form.

View standing order form

One-off donations

In addition to regular contributions, on this page you will find the ability to make one-off donations and contribute to Second Collections. Anything you give will be most welcome. 

To make a donation, please complete the online form.
