Parish Pastoral Team

St. Joseph the Worker has an active Parish Pastoral Team which oversees the day-to-day running of the Parish.

Chris Brooks Chair and Gift Aid
Willa Jackson Deputy Chair and Safeguarding Officer
Ngozi Ekpechue Parish Administrator
Sally Haggerstone Health and Safety Officer
Mary Brooks Steward of the Gospel
Jan Jarvis Parish Co-Oridinator
Marian Anderson 200 Club
Ian Restall Communications and website
Tim Murphy Head Usher
Clare Barton Missio
Mandy Bottono Repository

Altar Servers

We have a great team of Altar Servers at St. Josephs who serve at Mass at the weekend. However, we are always keen to welcome new additions to the team! If you have a son or daughter who has received First Holy Communion and who would like to train to serve at Mass, please contact Ngozi Ekpechue, our Parish Administrator:

Email Ngozi

We would also be keen to recruit Adult Altar Servers. If you are interested in joining this important Ministry and supporting our Parish, please contact Ngozi Ekpechue, Parish Administrator, as above.

Saint Stephen

St. Stephen's Guild Prayer

O God, you accept our ministry and allow us to serve at your Altar; grant that while serving you we follow the example of our Patron, St. Stephen, the first martyr, and that we may, like him, come to see Jesus standing at your right hand in the kingdom of heaven. We ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son.



Find out about the variety of groups who use the Church hall and hall hire details.

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Register a new parishioner

Submit your details to register as a new Parishioner at St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church.

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We produce a regular newsletter which contains a wealth of information about the parish, including Mass times and Intentions, a letter from Fr. Leslie, social activities, etc. etc.

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Parish Partnership

St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church has announced its new Parish Partnership with the Brentwood Cathedral of St. Mary & St. Helen

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