We have an enthusiastic and energetic youth population who are involved in many of the Diocesan Youth strategies.

For example:

  • Monthly Youth Masses held in Brentwood
  • Retreats to Walsingham House
  • Annual Pilgrimages to Lourdes
Saint Stephen

Altar Servers

We have a great team of Altar Servers at St. Josephs who serve at Mass at the weekend. However, we are always keen to welcome new additions to the team! If you have a son or daughter who has received First Holy Communion and who would like to train to serve at Mass, please contact Ngozi Ekpechue, our parish Administrator:

Email Ngozi

We would also be keen to recruit Adult Altar Servers. If you are interested in joining this important Ministry and supporting our Parish, please contact Ngozi Ekpechue, Parish Administrator, as above.

St. Stephens Guild Prayer

O God, you accept our ministry and allow us to serve at your Altar; grant that while serving you we follow the example of our Patron, St. Stephen, the first martyr, and that we may, like him, come to see Jesus standing at your right hand in the kingdom of heaven. We ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son.


Brentwood Catholic Youth Service

Serves young people and all who walk with them, inspired by Jesus Christ.


Walsingham House at Abbotswick

Walsingham House is a tranquil, prayerful chapel, situated within beautiful grounds, with capacity for 50 people for Mass or liturgies, and is a perfect place for retreats. There is a keyboard, and a music system, which are available for use by groups. Fr. Dominic is often available to say Mass for retreatants, or to supply in the parish so that the local priest can accompany the group on retreat.



Cubs, Scouts and Guides

Since 1973 3rd Hutton (St. Joseph's) Scout Group has prepared young people with skills for life. We meet in sections on Monday nights called Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Scouts - aged from 6 to 14½  years old - led by trained volunteer Section leaders.

Visit brentwoodscouts.org.uk